Worship is our response to jesus.


While more than just a musical response, singing is a natural and vital part of our faith journey. At Mandarin we enjoy giving space for the Holy Spirit to work in and fill the hearts of our church family; so we will sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to our God, and to each other. Check out the video below to learn more about our heart for worship and how you can get join one of our upcoming services.


8:30 Traditional Service

This service uses the historic songs, and hymns of the church, and a more traditional presentation to bring us toward a position of surrender and praise.


10:45 Modern Service

This service uses a combination of new and older songs, and a fresh feel, that reveal the heart of our God, his truths, and our appropriate response. If you would like to check out a sample of the music we listen to check out the Spotify button below to listen to some of the favorite songs of the modern service.

Worship & Tech Team

Our Worship & Tech ministries use our gifts, talents, and abilities to highlight the greatness of our God, the vastness of His love, and the power of His gospel. We do everything in our power to make Him known over all else. If you are a musician, singer, techie, or are interested in how you can serve with these teams, click the serve application button below.

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